Aloe Naturals makes available in India World's best organically grown Aloe farms and processed with patented technology meant to improve the health & quality of life of individuals.
Aloe Naturals is proud to be the Sole Representative for India for past two decades of World leader multinational company M/s. ALOECORP, USA whose patented ACTIValoe™ products are biologically highly active with a guarantee of min. 10% polysaccharides by molecular weight. Processed with proprietary technology Qmatrix™ maintains Aloe freshness & is stabilized & standardized Aloe Vera available in the world only from Aloecorp.
Aloe Naturals offers organically grown and organically processed Wheat Wonder Wheat Grass Powder. Wheat Wonder contains all essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, dietary fibers etc. that boosts body immunity and keeps diseases at bay. Wheat Wonder quickly gets absorbed in blood that enhances body bio activities.
Aloe Naturals introduced a brilliant concept of RTE (Ready to Eat) foods without preservatives with technical support from DFRL Mysore. These foods give a taste of fresh homemade meals besides being absolutely safe, nutritious and healthy.
The product range is essentially vegetarian curries, sweets, soups and rice preparations along with JAIN Meals. These foods are prepared by traditional chefs of Rajasthani Royal families with ethnic delicacies. These foods are prepared without addition of any preservatives, artificial colors etc. Once packed and processed RTE food pouches have a normal shelf life in excess of one year.